These notes are about mirrors and thin lenses. Remember also your lab on Snell’s Law.
The Bohr Atom
A white-board derivation in less than five pages starting from Bohr’s quantization of angular momentum for an electron bound to a proton by the Coulomb force. By the end we have the energy levels and the radii of excited states for hydrogen.
SHM: Simple Harmonic Motion
The Pendulum
The Simple Pendulum, the Torsional Pendulum and the Physical Pendulum are shown to follow the same same mathematics as a mass on a spring. The natural angular frequency and period of SHM are determined.
Springs and SHM. Potential energy in a spring. Conservation of energy with springs.
The Basics
The relationship between SHM and UCM (Uniform Circular Motion). The basic parameters. Relationship to calculus. The simple mass on a spring.
Parallel Axis Theorem & Rotational KE
Moment of Inertia
Motivated by looking at total kinetic energy for rigid-body motion. A quick example given.
Rotational Dynamics
Moment of Inertia
Motivated by looking at total kinetic energy for rigid-body motion. A quick example given.
Cross Product & Torque
A quick refresher on dot product. Magnitude and direction of the cross product, properties of the cross product and unit-vector notation.
Rotational Kinematics
Definitions & Equations
A comparison with the linear variables and equations.
Uniform Circular Motion
Very basic formulas:
A couple of problems:
Elastic and inelastic collisions.
Introduction to Momentum
Momentum, Force and Impulse.
Work, Energy & Power
WEP – Part II
Gravitational Potential Energy, Fields, Potential Energy Curves, Conservative & Non-Conservative Forces
WEP – Part I
Work, Kinetic Energy, Work-Energy Theorem, Potential Energy, Gravitational Potential and Fields:
Friction & Inclines
It’s getting more interesting!
Free-Body Diagrams
More complex problem solving including multiple bodies.
Force Problems
Some easier applications of the second law.
Newton’s Laws
Inertia, F = ma, equal and opposite forces.
Distance Problems Involving Quadratic Roots
Looking for a single root, interpreting multiple roots.
The Range Equation
The distance traveled, the maximum height, the time of flight and the angle of impact for a projectile – no numbers!
Motion in 2D & Projectile Motion
The equations with easier applications
Projectile Motion
When & where do they meet?
Strategy for collision problems. Write equations for position, solve for intersection. How many solutions?
Motion Graphs
Motion Graphs with derivations of one-dimensional kinematic equations.
Day 1 …
Circle Relationship Lab
Notes on the log plot and on computing pi.
Spreadsheet with idealized data and sample plots.
Word document showing section headings, embedded plots, etc.